Score: 334-319
Opponent’s options: QUBITS j2 (25), column o parallels, etc.
Candidate plays: ZOO/ZOA 9a (21), ADOZE c6 (27), TOO 9a (12), OE c9 (3)
Potential plays on next turn: Z plays, blocking plays preserving your Z
Subgoal: Maintain a comfortable lead over your opponent while reducing their bingo chances.
Resolution: While ZOO is an intriguing option that eliminates bingos from the equation, plays such as LEZ and COZ can be dangerous and unfavorable to you if you draw badly. OE c9 (3) blocks nearly all of your opponent’s bingo possibilities while setting up your Z and not allowing your opponent to get a good scoring play. It is the safest way to prevent catastrophe.