Score: 406-416
Opponent’s options: 8a plays using the J and/or K, column g or n plays.
Candidate plays: WIVE 8a (30), WIVED e1 (32), HUP 6b (16), WHUP 6a (20), MUCHO i11 (17), UH c6 (22)
Potential plays on next turn: Same as this turn: setups with HUP and UH
Subgoal: Maximize your chances of outscoring your opponent
Resolution: In Puzzle 43, UH c6 (22) is best by far, setting up the D on column b, blocking J plays at 8a, and giving yourself a very good scoring opportunity next turn. Your opponent does not have any good options for preventing a play such as WIVED b2 next turn unless they are willing to sacrifice a significant number of points. This play not only gives you an opportunity to score well, but also set up an out-in-two, as your opponent probably won’t draw an out play after their next turn.