Score: 356-339
Opponent’s options: o1 plays, n10 plays, row o plays, column k overlaps
Candidate plays: REIN/NEON 8l (17), TORN 13l/15f (14), WIN c5 (13), etc.
Setup potential: Yes
Subgoal: Maximize your chances of outscoring your opponent and preventing bingos.
Resolution: In Puzzle 37, you should play WaRN setting up your case O next turn. This allows you to play JOINT a5 on your next turn to easily keep track if your opponent makes a high scoring play. If your opponent blocks, they will score few points and you should be able to win an out-in-two game easily. The only way you can lose is if your opponent draws a very lucky bingo.
Even though your rack is bingo prone, with your lead you are much better off getting a guaranteed place to score. Any play that reduces your opponent’s bingo percentage leaves you at risk of being outscored.