Score: 322-299
Opponent’s options: Row 8 plays hooks YCLAD, column b bingos hooking SWILL
Candidate plays: GOT b8, TO b10, GUT b8, UT b9, FOE 14j, GALORE 7i
Potential plays on next turn: Setups after row b blocking plays, FOE 14j (14)
Candidate plays: GOT b8, TO b10, GUT b8, UT b9, FOE 14j, GALORE 7i
Potential plays on next turn: Setups after row b blocking plays, FOE 14j (14)
Subgoal: Stay ahead of your opponent’s bingos and potential row 8 plays hooking YCLAD
Resolution: In Puzzle 1, your opponent is likely to have a bingo in column b, or a high scoring play using the Y to hook YCLAD. Since you have a lead, you would like to either eliminate or limit the effect both of these disaster scenarios. By playing TO b10 and setting up FUNGO, you take care of both issues, as your opponent can no longer bingo and your setup will outrun Y plays. Any play that blocks both options will open up too many bingo possibilities for your opponent.