Opponent’s options: JOIN l1 (42), JOIN 13b (26) (out play)
Scoring options: RESOW o1 (36), WRITE l1 (33)
Blocking options: WO, WOT
Initially, it looks like there is nothing you can do, as you cannot outscore JOIN as an out play, and any blocking play will allow your opponent to outscore you. However, as in the previous example, a common strategy in the endgame is to block one spot while making the other spot undesirable for your opponent, since it will create a scoring opportunity for you. In this case, playing ROT c13 for a measly 10 points blocks JOIN 13b while making JOIN at l1 desirable, since it gives you a 42 point out play. If your opponent instead plays JIN, you can win the game by playing SEWER d5 (22).