Score: 387-354
Opponent’s options: Row 2 bingos, column n bingos, QU plays
Candidate plays: Numerous column n plays, MINT f2 (22)
Potential plays on next turn: QI, QAT
Subgoal: Find a play that wins the game, provided that your opponent draws a bingo next turn.
Resolution: To survive a bingo, you should play MORNS n2 (36). MORNS achieves three important objectives that help you survive a bingo on your opponent’s turn. First, it reduces both the bingo frequency (blocking some bingos) and the impact of some of those bingos (taking out the highest scoring play). Second, it gives you a ready-made plan as a Q draw can be played at o1 (or QAT f2), scoring enough to hold on after a bingo. Last, MORNS leaves one tile in the bag, which is ideal for limiting your opponent from scoring on their final play since scoring well with one tile is quite difficult.