Score: 385-421
Opponent options: MOB o1 (38), BRO a13 (26), ZOMBI 1b (21)
Scoring plays: IZAR(S) 1a (42/45), LEES/REES o1 (34)
Possible routes:
IZAR: IZAR a1 (42), MOB o1 (38), LENSE e2 (24) = 42 – 38 + 24 + 10 = 38
IZARS: IZARS a1 (45), MOB o1 (38), EEL 5g (13) = 45 – 38 + 13 + 10 = 30
LEES: LEES o1 (34), DZO 1a (39), RIA n9 (13) = 34 – 39 + 13 + 18 = 26
In Diagram 3, the best out in two is playing IZAR first, followed by LEES o1 or LENSE at e2. While other out in twos may net more points if unblocked, they will be blocked by a smart opponent. If you block MOB first, your opponent will block IZAR with ZOMBI, and you will not be able to score lucratively on your out play.