Opponent’s options: 30 point plays in column b, (MOPS is best, leaving NA 12c), MOS f2
Scoring options: ELF i11 (25), FULLER/FILLER j2 (19)
Blocking options: FUCI 2i, LUETIC 2f
In Puzzle 31, you’d ideally like to play off your tiles quickly. While you can’t score well, your opponent certainly can with good scoring tiles. While FULLER scores well and keeps a reasonable TUI, there is nowhere for TUI to go out on your next play, and ELF allows your opponent to go out. Meanwhile, you are also unable to block your opponent’s S hook without giving away a strong comeback: FUCI allows parallel plays such as NOMS/POMS, and while LUETIC allows you two out plays, your opponent can outscore you by playing MAPS a7 (46).
Your best play is LUTEOUS k1 (7), as it is the only play that allows you to go out in two. After your opponent plays PSALM (or anything else), you can go out by playing either IF or FIG and hold on.