Opponent’s options: MIME(R)/(O) b11, MINER/MINOR b11, MM a1, Bingo responses
Candidate plays: OBELiAS n5 (72), AWEE g7 (12), ZA d12 (11), JO 12h (9), DO 14a (6)
Potential plays on next turn: Bingos, one-tile out plays
Subgoal: Outscore your opponent’s scoring play on their next turn.
Resolution: In this position the biggest threat isn’t your rack, but what your opponent has. Bingoing out or bingoing and playing out don’t score enough if your opponent is allowed to play MIMER or MIMEO. Because of this, you have to outscore then by “blocking” with DO 14a (6). Your opponent will be unable to stop your bingo with two blanks.